About Me

I'm Matt Maenpaa, I'm your photographer.

I really love stories. Telling them, hearing them, sharing them. Stories bind us together, after all, and weaving our stories together is just another way of saying "community." Photography is a powerful storyteller, important for remembering moments and celebrating each other.

I've been lucky enough to tell people's stories through both pen and lens for more than a few years now, and I'll be grateful to do this work for as long as I can. I've written for local news outlets and alt-weeklies like the Longmont Leader and Boulder Weekly, and am currently published in Boulder Magazine.

Also a really big fan of whiskey, mythology, hiking, very spooky things, really good books, and twisting mountain roads (and saying vroom vroom).

Interviews & Press

Voyage Denver

Hi Matt, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.

Like most of us, my story isn’t one straight line. I’ve lived what seems like a thousand lives. Professional kitchens, gin stills, coffee houses, newsrooms. I once lived 10,000 feet, deep in the High Sierras. Chicago, California, Colorado, and countless adventures in between.


What's in a name?

“How about Foolish Endeavors?”

That was pretty much it. We all have these desires, these passions that others have told us won’t work out, won’t make us money. I think that’s a load of bullshit, to be frank. I wanted the name of my business to tease that idea, that we should all pursue our foolish endeavors and I’d be right there to help, whether it was creative consultations, photography, writing or editing.

Bold Journeys

How do you keep creativity alive?

Keeping creativity alive is an active and shifting practice, one maintained with mindfulness, openness and a willingness to get weird.